From the Cubicle By Ivaana

virtual spatial network

Defining Perspectival Spaces at Cambridge Creation Lab

MIT researchers have discovered a novel method for constructing intricate three- dimensional structures using self-assembling polymer materials, which generate minuscule wires and junctions. They arrange block copolymer layers into orderly perpendicular rows, thus facilitating the creation of smaller chip components and serving as an alternative to photolithography used in the 1960s for computer chip fabrication.…
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cognitive development

Forming Habits in Pattern Thinking

Is pattern thinking analogous to a recurrent behavioral coping mechanism? I have often contemplated this possibility and concluded that the identity inherent in notions or representations in pattern thinking cannot elucidate repetition; it requires a more significant ‘positive’ foundation. This inquiry must include all conceptions of nature and liberty. For example, natural occurrences are never…
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design methodology

Design Consciousness is Personal

Throughout my childhood, I was unaware that I was a color-word synesthete. I only came to the realization that hearing words evoked vivid pictures much later in life. I was also captivated by the realm of shadows and consistently engaged in experimentation with it. I was intrigued by the notion that shadows might be both…
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Complex Calculations

Designing The Thought Web

A web emerges when several connections are established. Through experiences that endure over time, we start developing conscious and unconscious creative patterns from infancy. For instance, we may consider neural networks, cell clusters, and social insect colonies among systems that leverage the interactions of many fundamental components or agents to execute highly complex calculations in…
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