Forming Habits in Pattern Thinking
Is pattern thinking analogous to a recurrent behavioral coping mechanism? I have often contemplated this possibility and concluded that the identity inherent in notions or representations in pattern thinking cannot elucidate repetition; it requires a more significant ‘positive’ foundation. This inquiry must include all conceptions of nature and liberty. For example, natural occurrences are never static or comparable but adhere to a continuous shifting logic. The outcomes result from replications, alterations, enhancements, and omissions according to fundamental coding principles, which align with the dynamic patterns of nature.
Architects, interior designers, and fine artists use geometric patterns in textiles, ceramics, metals, building materials, and manuscripts. This examines the relationship between architecture and the arts by presenting various shapes, forms, models, and formulas. How can we infuse the imagination with such forms and motifs and integrate combinatorial play into everyday activities to make visual parallels integral to the cognitive development of the human brain?
Mandelbrot and van Ness used the term “fractional Brownian motions” to generalize conventional Brownian motions in their landmark publication, “Fractional Brownian motions, fractional noises, and applications.” Space Sound is an initiative that investigates the work of architect and musician Iannis Xenakis. Iannis Xenakis utilized mathematics and computing to compose music. He employed stochastic processes such as Brownian motion to generate unrest in his compositions, and Brownian motion is responsible for the glissandi of N’Schima’s instruments. Deep into the project, it becomes clear that space sound primarily involves graphic depictions of Xenakis’ approaches. Using concepts such as boolean algebra, aleatory distribution of points on a plane, Brownian motion, and cellular automata, he explores spatial or architectural qualities and creates small animations using scripting. How can we perpetually cultivate a schematic mode of thought that allows for conceptualizing any specific topic in an environment that transforms it into something innovative and original? What methods may facilitate the establishment of this as a habit?